Challenge Climate Change

The challenge of climate change confronts us with the question, under which conditions we want to live on our home planet mother earth. A sustainable development so that also future generations can satisfy their needs seems necessary. We must sustain our living basis, because there is no second earth where we could fly to.

The space, indefinite expanses. A gigantic universe or maybe a multiverse. Countless galaxies and stars. Our small solar system with our small earth.

Where else could we live, if not on our spaceship mother earth.

The universe in which we exist.

If we believe the big bang theory the universe in which we live, started from a small single point that scientists therefore are describing as singularity. If this theory is true, it means, that all that exists in our universe belongs together and our mother earth would only be a very, very small little dot (that you could not see light-years away from here) in this whole universe. Some scientists are rationalizing if there is a multiverse, like Stephen Hawking (†) did.
Our universe is supposed to be approximately 13.8 billion years old. The galaxy (one of billions) in which our solar system (also one of billions) exists is estimated to be 13.6 billion years old. If we put all the galaxies that were observed together on a picture, we find an amazing structure: In my opinion the whole looks like a nervous system like the nerve cell structures in our brains
( (compare: URLs:  ("Structure in our Universe", Simon White, Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik in Garching resp. Millenium Simulation; last visit: 31. May 2020) or the respective picture on:   (there above on the right; last visit: 27. March 2020))  .
It is estimated that our earth started to develop 4.6 billion years ago. As it circles around our sun (as a star of medium size in the outer third of the Milky Way) with the other planets it has a special circumstance: The earth is moving (106.920 km/h) around the sun in an average distance of around 150 million km in the so-called habitable zone. That means it is in the optimal distance in relation to the sun to make our life possible. We need the energy of the sun for the processes of the living conditions on earth, and the energy of the sun could also be used to satisfy our energy needs in a very great amount (e.g., for electricity and heat production). On our planet neighbors Venus and Mars life as we know it doesn’t exist.
So, I want to ask the rhetorical question: Where do we want to go if life on earth wouldn’t be possible anymore under acceptable conditions? While pollution and climate change are increasing, due to the unsustainable overuse of the natural resources and services of our earth.
Example for some information about Earths history: A Brief History of Earth – Historical Geology (last visit: 30. November 2024)
The information to the big bang, singularity, multiverse (parallel worlds), age of the universe, the galaxy and the earth, the velocity, the average distance sun to earth, can - for example - be found on (last visit: 2022).
Challenge Climate Change. We have only one earth.
Natural raw materials and resources as well as the energy from the sun are vital for life. Because of economical, ecological, and social reasons the challenge of climate change wins more and more meaning..
The worldwide increasing men-made greenhouse gas emissions like carbon dioxide led to climate change /
global warming with unwanted expensive side-effects. The time to forward-looking sustainable action is now.
Challenge Climate

We already know, that in the history of earth climate change happened many times, but not so fast since around 1850 humanity began to burn fossil fuels like coal, oil and natural gas in more increasing amounts.

In my opinion the challenge of climate change is a race against time for total humanity on our spaceship mother earth.

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