Challenge Climate Change

The challenge of climate change confronts us with the question, under which conditions we want to live on our home planet mother earth. A sustainable development so that also future generations can satisfy their needs seems necessary. We must sustain our living basis, because there is no second earth where we could fly to.

Photos & Facts

Photos and Facts to our living conditions.


In the year 2017 already around 7,7 Bill. humans lived on the earth. The population on earth is further increasing. (comp.: UN Population Prospects 2017,  URL:

(last visit: 03. March 2019))

Approximately at maximum one fourth of humanity lives in industrialized countries. More and more humans want a higher standard of living. This increases the consumption of natural living-basics like natural resources, raw material, and energy. The latest number of the world population can be seen on (last visit: 02. April 2021) . On 02. April 2021 it was already more than 7,827 billion humans.

On 15. November 2022 the number of inhabitants of planet earth to reach over 8 billion: ,last visit: 15.Nov.2022. or: World Population Clock: 8.1 Billion People (LIVE, 2024) - Worldometer ( , last visit: 9. May 2024.

Some say there would be enough food and enough resources for more than 12 billion people, if we all would act sustainable and fair around the globe.

Access to energy and resources

In the year 2017 around one billion humans had no access to electricity and more than 2,5 billion humans had no access to clean energy for a warm meal ( compare.: Energy Access Outlook 2017, URL: (last visit: 03. March 2019))

Many humans have no clean water and no medical service. Many humans live under inhuman conditions. The access to daily energy is a basic precondition for a human existence. The momentary development about the amount of people with access to electricity can be found e.g. on: (last visit: 02. April 2021) .

The Covid-19-pandemic has turned down the positive development of the last years.

Another World Energy Outlook was released in October 2022 describing the latest figures and facts: World Energy Outlook 2022 – Analysis - IEA , last visit: 15. Nov. 2022. Global energy access gap persists: 675 million people without electricity, 2,3 billion people reliant on harmful cooking fuels: Basic Energy Access Lags Amid Renewable Opportunities, New Report Shows ( , last visit: 4. September 2023.

According to the World Energy Outlook  2023 (p.183 f.), 760 million people lack access to electricity and almost 2,3 billion people are reliant on harmful cooking fuels: World Energy Outlook 2023 – Analysis - IEA, last visit: 30. October 2023.

On 26. January is international Day of Clean Energy. International Day of Clean Energy | United Nations ,last visit: 09. May 2024.

Possible future

The energy supply for the whole humanity based on renewable energy carriers from the sun, wind, biomass and geothermal is possible. This is researched by studies like e.g. studies from the Energy Watch Group and the Suomi LUT, compare: URL:

- (last visit: 03. March 2019)

- (last visit: 03. March 2019) 

Latest developments around the topic renewable energies can e.g., be found on the internet pages from the International Renewable Energy Agency, compare: URL: (last visit: 02. April 2021).

Here another Study from September 2022: , last visit: 15. Nov. 2022.

A new UN-Study released on 6. June 2023: UNCCD Library | Details | Renewables 2023 Global Status Report , last visit: 4. September 2023.

A new report from March 2024:.100% renewable energy scenarios: Supporting ambitious policy targets ( last visit: 09. May 2024.

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