Challenge Climate Change

The challenge of climate change confronts us with the question, under which conditions we want to live on our home planet mother earth. A sustainable development so that also future generations can satisfy their needs seems necessary. We must sustain our living basis, because there is no second earth where we could fly to.

Sustainability resp. Imprint

Sustainability respectively Imprint (Impressum).

The Challenge of Climate Change.

The sustainability principle stems from German forestry (Carl von Carlowitz, 1713). At the beginning of the industrial age, it was recognized that the resource wood (forest) can only be used as long as it regrows at the same time. In 1987 the World Commission for environment and development expressed the principle of sustainability in its core due their report “Our common Future”, (WCED - “Brundtland-Report”, compare, e.g., (last visit: 03.03.2019)) :

1.)    A development that satisfies the needs of the present without to risk that future generations cannot satisfy their needs.
2.)    In its core sustainable development is a process of change, in that the use of resources, the goal of investments, the direction of technological development and institutional change harmonize with each other and are enlarging the present and future potential, to satisfy human needs and desires.

For instance, in the year 2015 the agenda 2030 for sustainable development was adopted by the member states of the United Nations. It contains in its core the 17 „Sustainable Development Goals“ (SDG), with 169 specifying „Targets“ and more, compare: (last visit: 31. March 2021) .

Further for example, in the year 2018 the „World Sustainable Development Forum“ was founded, compare: , which is dedicating to sustainable development and the contents of the UN 17 SDG’s (last visit: 31.March 2021) .

Official United Nations Website about the SDG's: resp. (last visit: 31.March 2022).

Haftungsauschluss: (Imprint/ Disclaimer: for the English version please see further down below the German text.)

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Stefan Jung

Bürgermeister Gropp Straße 22a

D-67098 Bad Dürkheim


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© 2023 Stefan Jung. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.


(Stefan Jung hat einen Abschluss als Master of Science (Uni) Energiemanagement bzw. als Diplom Ingenieur (FH) Forstwirtschaft.)

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© 2023 by Stefan Jung. All rights reserved.
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Stefan Jung, Bürgermeister Gropp Straße 22a, D-67098 Bad Dürkheim, Germany.
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© 2023 by Stefan Jung. All rights reserved.
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(Stefan Jung has a degree as Master of Science (Uni) in Energy Management resp. a diploma as Qualified Engineer in Forestry . )

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