Challenge Climate Change

The challenge of climate change confronts us with the question, under which conditions we want to live on our home planet mother earth. A sustainable development so that also future generations can satisfy their needs seems necessary. We must sustain our living basis, because there is no second earth where we could fly to.

Blog Post

Best Available Technologies (BAT) can help to decrease the impacts on the environment.

Stefan Jung • Okt. 31, 2021

The rational use of State of the Art Technologies in the respective industries (e.g. steel, cement, chemical industries, etc.) and also the use of cross sector technologies (e.g. motor systems, combined heat (cold) and power, building technologies, etc.) as well as a high degree of renewable power input around the globe, can lead to make the world a better place.

Through the consequent use of Best Available Technologies in every sector of human activities the input of energy and material consumption can be reduced, so that the efficiency of the respective process gets better and the overall impact on the environment is less. The ecological footprint gets better and also money can be saved. Some organizations or states have worked on this since years; compare e.g.: or , respectively or e.g: Examples in the field of Renewable Energies, e.g.: or ; last visit on the sites on 2021-10-31 . We need also new technologies  for a sustainable future by further research & development.
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