Challenge Climate Change

The challenge of climate change confronts us with the question, under which conditions we want to live on our home planet mother earth. A sustainable development so that also future generations can satisfy their needs seems necessary. We must sustain our living basis, because there is no second earth where we could fly to.

Blog Post

Forests are vital for our existence.

Stefan Jung • März 22, 2022

Planting trees and forests can have many positive effects. Forests should be managed sustainably.

Apple trees  and other well known fruit trees give us healthy nourishment. Sustainably well managed forests give us many, many economic, ecological and social services, like e.g. water and soil protection, a rich biodiversity, building and fuel wood, wide areas for recreation, and the nowadays very important ability to store huge amounts of carbon by sequestering carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Last but not least trees and forests produce the oxygen we need to live. So trees and forests are a good example why we can live only in harmony with mother nature and not against her. Trees and forests should be planted and protected in great amounts around the globe. It is a positive investment into the future. For more information and facts please visit for example the following links: or or or or (last visit: 22. March 2022).

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