Challenge Climate Change

The challenge of climate change confronts us with the question, under which conditions we want to live on our home planet mother earth. A sustainable development so that also future generations can satisfy their needs seems necessary. We must sustain our living basis, because there is no second earth where we could fly to.

Blog Post

Agroforestry, what is that?

Stefan Jung • Juli 20, 2023

In simple terms Agroforestry-Systems are land use concepts which combine trees and agriculture working together.

The photo shows a simple traditional Agroforest-System, a Orchard meadow with broadspaced fruit trees  - in this case a Silvopastoral-System. In general Agroforestry could be described as a land use which combines agriculture and tree growing, to produce both commercial agricultural products and tree products. There are two main forms: timberbelts and broadspaced. The used species depends on the local conditions: soil, climate, the wanted plants and tree species respectively live stock. In the best case endemic species are used. Agroforest-Systems can provide for example: salinity and water table control, soil erosion control, shelter and shade, fodder, timber and other tree products, wildlife habitat, nutrient recycling and natural carbon capture and storage options, increased yields, etc. The possibilities of this land use systems are enormously and endless. That could be the reason why more and more countries around the globe are using them. For further information and facts please visit - for instance - the following sites:

- What is Agroforestry? | World Agroforestry | Transforming Lives and Landscapes with Trees

- The Incredible Benefits of Agroforestry on Small Farms | Introduction to Agroforestry - YouTube

- Agroforestry to transform Tanzania economy - Daily News

- How the agroforestry industry’s empowerment can have significant long-term benefits in economic advantages (

- Basics of Agroforestry - YouTube

- Agroforestry (

- Agroforestry - Wikipedia

last visit: 16. July 2023.

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