Challenge Climate Change

The challenge of climate change confronts us with the question, under which conditions we want to live on our home planet mother earth. A sustainable development so that also future generations can satisfy their needs seems necessary. We must sustain our living basis, because there is no second earth where we could fly to.

Blog Post

Urban Forestry or Arboriculture.

Stefan Jung • Aug. 14, 2023

The methods of Urban Forestry Management can help us to make our cities greener, healthier and happier.

In our changing world, forests and similar natural elements play a crucial role in the wellbeing of more and more people who live in urban areas. Land resources are scarce, green refuges are under heavy pressure from unsustainable development and global warming effects. Existing green resources are under stress from human activities and environment pollution. Therefore it is good and necessary to manage these scarce green resources and make the best out of them. For example to choose the right species in quantity and quality, regarding water, heat stress and dryness (micro-climate) as well as local soil conditions. For further informations and facts here some links, for instance:

- What is Urban Forestry? A Day on the Job! - YouTube

- Urban Forestry & Urban Greening | Vol 87, In progress (September 2023) | by Elsevier

- World Forum on Urban Forests - Home

- Urban and Peri-urban Forestry (

- Urban Forests as Nature-based Solutions - Uforest

- Urban forestry - Wikipedia

(last visit: 14. August 2023).

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