Challenge Climate Change

The challenge of climate change confronts us with the question, under which conditions we want to live on our home planet mother earth. A sustainable development so that also future generations can satisfy their needs seems necessary. We must sustain our living basis, because there is no second earth where we could fly to.

Blog Post

Circular Economies - Living in Circles.

Stefan Jung • Sept. 11, 2022

The concept of circular economies has the aim to reduce the use of natural resources and our impact on the environment respectively to contribute to sustainable development.

"A circular economy (also referred to as circularity and CE) is a model of production and consumption, which involves sharing, leasing, reusing, repairing, refurbishing and recycling existing materials and products as long as possible. CE aims to tackle global challenges as climate change, biodiversity loss, waste, and pollution by emphasizing the design-based implementation of the three base principles of the model. The three principles required for the transformation to a circular economy are: eliminating waste and pollution, circulating products and materials, and the regeneration of nature. ... " compare: . There are many sources about the topic available, for example: or or or or , last visit: 11. September 2022.

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