The rather big bird of prey has a lean body with a long tail. The species prefers the mountainous regions of southern Europe like Spain. In the European Alps it was extinct for more than 100 years. The food contains meet and bones from dead hoofed animals like chamois (dt. Gemse). Here are some links (6 in german language, 3 in english) for further information and facts; e.g.:
- Bartgeier im Nationalpark Berchtesgaden
- Wiederansiedlung der Bartgeier in den Alpen - LBV - Gemeinsam Bayerns Natur schützen
- Bartgeierdame Dagmar im hinteren Zillertal unterwegs - Zillertaler Zeitung
- Vogelporträt: Bartgeier - NABU
- Lebendige Alpen - phoenix |
links in english:
(last visit: 2023-02-12).