If we do not have cooler ideas, we should use and make what is already possible, as examples and as far as possible:
• Saving energy, material and natural resources in business and at home
• Changing to certified renewable energy providers
• Producing and storing renewable energy. e.g. with solar electric units on the balcony
• Leave fossil fuels in the ground. Let this long-time dead organic matter rest in peace.
• Plant trees in the surroundings like that in the local original forests or fruit trees from good seeds (i.e. with autochthonous species)
• Reduce, reuse, recycle organic and inorganic waste respectively materials
• Collect rainwater for dry days in smaller and bigger amounts
• Renature wetlands, rivers, mangroves and nature in general
• Provide shelter and homes for wildlife by ecological islands in the landscape
• Use bikes or go by foot or use public transport instead of cars
• Buy or grow sustainable products
• et cetera ... ... ...
Artificial intelligence or money cannot replace nature.