About Stranded Investments
Stefan Jung • 20. Februar 2025
An investment that has not enough or no further return now or at some foreseeable vital point in the future can be named a stranded investment.
This will be the case for the fossil fuel industries, and for nuclear power plants. It happens when the market conditions change faster than expected or when new developments are ignored. In this case the money went in the wrong markets. Industrial history has a simple example. As the car industry developed, there were many horses left. Fossil fuel industries and nuclear power plants are dirty and unsustainable. The field of renewable energies and the wide field of Sustainable Development are the new prospering investment opportunities. Investors of any size should turn away from unsustainable investments and technology as soon as possible. To act against human induced further global warming we cannot wait any longer. Fossil fuels and nuclear energy reserves should be left in the ground. 4 possible links:
last visit: 20. February 2025