Challenge Climate Change

The challenge of climate change confronts us with the question, under which conditions we want to live on our home planet mother earth. A sustainable development so that also future generations can satisfy their needs seems necessary. We must sustain our living basis, because there is no second earth where we could fly to.

Blog Post

Challenge Climate Change due to man-made Global Warming and the topic of Corruption.

Stefan Jung • Nov. 10, 2022

The working and actions around the globe against environmental destruction like against the negative effects of global warming often are hindered or to slow because of practices of corruption.

Corruption can have many faces, for example private or economic sector people bribing administration officials and/or politicians, for instance that financial flows are going in wrong directions. Poor people are mostly effected by corruption (direct/indirect), because economical, ecological and social development is undermined. Areas that often are effected by corruption around planet mother earth are, e.g. water supplies, essential health services, access to clean energy sources, illegal animal trade or forestry and illegal logging. For more informations and facts please visit for example: What’s corruption got to do with climate change, and why should we care? - OpenLearn - Open University or Is corruption on the climate change agenda? | The FCPA Blog or The Climate-Corruption Connection - Harvard Political Review ( or Climate change and corruption | Green Economy Coalition or Corruption: An Obstacle To Fighting Climate Change ( or How corruption affects climate change - News - or Corruption - Wikipedia , last visit: 10. November 2022.

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