Challenge Climate Change

The challenge of climate change confronts us with the question, under which conditions we want to live on our home planet mother earth. A sustainable development so that also future generations can satisfy their needs seems necessary. We must sustain our living basis, because there is no second earth where we could fly to.

Blog Post

The race to reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions is still open. Which country will be the first of the top five?

Stefan Jung • Dez. 12, 2022

Due to the United Nations Climate Action: "For a livable climate:
Net-zero commitments must be backed by credible action."

Reaching Net Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions according to the Paris Agreement till 2050 at the latest is still possible. For this all countries and all sectors within a country must make respective contributions. Getting away from burning fossil fuels fast to economies based on 100 % Renewable Energy Supplies, like from Wind Energy, Solar Energy Technologies, and others. All sectors mean e.g., the state institutions, all the industries, the households, and buildings as well as the different kinds of traffic carriers. For instance, some say reaching net zero before 2050 is possible or it should be reached much earlier. Others say setting on forests and soils as carbon sinks is not enough. Others say the consequent use of space technologies is vital. Further the rational use of energy via Energy Efficiency Technologies and personal energy saving behavior is also an important aspect. We can reach goals if we believe it is possible. Reaching Net Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions before 2050 is possible. For further information and facts please see, for example:

- Reaching net zero: how to transform manufacturing and value chains - Thai News ( or

- World Could Reach Net Zero Up To 10 Years Ahead Of Schedule with Full Adoption of Space Tech - New Model Shows - Globant (NYSE:GLOB) - Benzinga or

- Countries making risky bet on forests and soils to reach net zero ( or

- ICS: To Reach Net Zero in Shipping, 'The Hard Work Starts Now' ( or

- Here’s How JetBlue Will Achieve Net-Zero Emissions by 2040 ( or

- or

- EU agrees stricter rules for greenhouse gas emission cuts | Euronews or

- Total greenhouse gas emission trends and projections in Europe ( or

- European Union Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions 1990-2022 | MacroTrends or

- EU economy greenhouse gas emissions: -24% since 2008 (

last visit: 2022-12-12.

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